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Hey beautiful people,

I’ll just hit the nail on the head, ‘’Flee from sexual immorality, all other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body’’ 1 Corinthians 6 vs 18. Ok let me be honest, I did not understand the depth of this scripture especially the section that states that sexual sin is against a person’s body, wow that’s deep. This scripture hit me in the sense that if as believes of Christ and we understand that our body is the temple of the holyspirit does this mean that everytime we engage in sex outside of marriage the holyspirit leaves our body making us vulnerable to other spirits that are not of God?

Well, back then I was not innocent of sexual sin but my sexual experiences thought me the importance of abstaining from sex. Sex is a topic that has many schools of thought and opinions. For some, sex is a lifestyle and they can’t imagine their lives without sex outside of marriage. For others, they have chosen to abstain from sex or be celibate due to personal experiences, choice or perhaps religious and faith believes. However, as for me I write based on my personal experience and from information gathered from friends about their sexual relationships. The pain and hurt it has caused and the consequences faced due to the decision to have sex out of the consent of marriage. Sometimes in life, our actions do not immediately predict our consequences, but positive choices only produce positive results. An apple does not evolve into a banana.

Sex sure did leave a bitter taste in my mouth and this began from sexual relationships I was engaged in. It’s funny how sex presented itself to me as pleasure but never warned me about the bitter side of it. Well, it’s not surprising even chocolate and burgers are advertised with an array of delicious choices to pick from, but how many adverts tell us that this food is not very healthy so please exercise after eating. I once heard a phrase about losing one’s virginity as‘’Once popped can’t stop” this was from a friend in secondary school way back. Surely she was right, but I have now rephrased it as ‘’Once popped disciple is required to stop. And trust me when I say disciple, oh my its going to take self-control, crazy effort and determination to stop. Some of you might be thinking it can’t be that hard to stop, I am strong willed and I am in control of my body blah-blah. Well, this might differ from persons but I speak from experience combined with confirmation from friends and observation from the world.

I remember times I decided not to have sex when in a relationship and the guy would admit to my request but just for a short while. Before I knew it I was back at sex again with him, let’s face it guys are visual and what they see and have access to might just be tempting and hard to resist. Although sex does create a strong bond which is recommended for married couples and not for dating relationships, well the strong bond is where the problem begins. This strong bond that was formed during the relationship becomes a stronghold ‘’yea stronghold, that’s a write-up for another day’’ These stronghold has resulted in some battling with low self-esteem, depression, low body image and suicidal thoughts due to sexual relationships that have ended badly.

Are you suggesting to give up your virginity/purity for various reason, or are you currently having sex and want to stop and be whole again then stay connected and don’t hesitate to read part 2 of this write-up.



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