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The act of completing a project is the key to completing the next one. One of the major problems I have faced over the years is the act of completion. And one morning I woke up to that feeling of what am I meant to be doing today or am I heading towards my goals, dreams and visions. And this began to pour out, It is better not to start a thing, then not to finish. Ecclesiastes 7:8 ”Finishing a thing is better than starting”.

Let’s imagine we were given a task by our boss at work or our school teacher with a time limit of completion and this task meant so much. But we failed to deliver even after given more time, how disappointing would this be. It is the same with the voice and instruction of God. Yes, our God is merciful and He would keep giving us various chances even if He has to change the task to see His children succeed. But for how long if we never complete any of the task.

A  task that was never completed would not have an impact for the purpose it was intended for. We might be thinking but for some task, even when finished might end up not being relevant to anyone. Well, that is true for some task, but the idea is not just about it been relevant to someone but the ability to complete that task. This will then equip and train us on how to take on the next task which is a key personality of a leader and a successful person.

Please stay tuned to part 2, which will identify why we don’t get to complete a task that is given to us.

”Finishing a thing is better than starting”




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