”Be wary of the seeds that grow in your mind, body and soul
Hi pips, wow welcome to my very first post yipppppy! I am so existed to be able to share this message to get us all thinking and searching for ways to solve them.I highly recommend that knowing and accepting Jesus Christ into your life is the solution to all ya problems. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the light..John 14:6…Yes Confess it!!!!
Am guessing we all know the parable of the sower and seed in Matthew 13. Well if we don’t I suggest you go read it first. After studying this chapter, I analyzed it based on the world we live in today. In my context, I refer to seeds as information.
Wow! In the world we live in today thanks to technology, apps and other devices, information of all sorts spreads so fast that we can’t stop it. However, we can control what we decide to hear.
Just for a second, I want you to imagine you got an apple seed. You sow the seed, nurture it and guide it in order that it might grow but most importantly so that it may bear fruits that will taste luscious.
Especially if you wish to sell them apples for some reward or share them with family and friends, right!
Now imagine after so much hard work, for a second you turn away and back only to find birds or worms eating your apple. I don’t know how you will respond but I’ll sure be upset.
For a second, I need us to think about the information we feed ourselves with. I have meet people who never miss church, listen to the word of God but tend to mix it up with the information of the world. So, a little bit of the word of God and a little bit of the world. But what I have observed is you can’t listen to the things of the world and obey the laws of God – Matthew 6:24.
There is this saying that goes you can either be white or black you can’t be shades of gray.
Trust me, If your mind, body and soul is not fully grounded in the things of God, the world has its ways of influencing us to feel that any and every thing contrary to the Laws of God is normal – Genesis 3:2-5.
Are the seeds planted in you fully based on God’s word? Is your heart out of the reach of birds or worms?
Ok, if you still have not got it yet, ask yourself. Do you find yourself in a situation where you know what’s right but you keep doing the wrong things i.e. SIN? It’s probably because the information of the world is still controlling your mind, body and soul.
However, it’s never too late to change. Just ask the Holy Spirit to help you and take control over your Mind Body and Soul… your whole life and you choose a path today… who do you belong to…. God or the World…
its all about Jesus… xoxo
Nike Pearse
Wow that’s so inspiring! We all have a decision to make and even though we think sooner or later, we just have to remember later might never come. It’s really true that the world has made sin look normal. So many things we do that we know is wrong but because everyone around us is doing it, we ignore that voice that tells us it’s not okay. This message really hits the nail on the head! Keep it up